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Acid Neutralization Scrubber (Acid Neutralization Tower)

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For industries dealing with acid and its vapors during their processes, the use of an acid neutralization tower is essential. The high pH of these acids and their vapors affects humans, animals, plants, as well as metals and building materials. Therefore, controlling these substances is necessary to protect the environment and living beings. Scrubbers can be used to neutralize the pH of acids, improving environmental conditions. This article aims to familiarize you with this device and its various aspects.

What is an Acid Neutralization Tower?

Scrubbers are towers that were previously made of metal with rubber coatings. Acid and its vapors would penetrate the rubber layer, causing corrosion of the metal walls, resulting in a short lifespan for these scrubbers. Nowadays, with the use of polymeric materials, scrubbers made of polyethylene, polypropylene, etc., are available. The operation of this acid neutralization tower is vertical. Acid vapor enters the device from the bottom and flows upward. As the vapor passes through the media, water is sprayed onto the media with high pressure from the top of the tank. This neutralizes the acid vapor, which is then transferred to a storage pit at the bottom of the tank. This process ensures that the discharge of wastewater into the environment meets standards. If the pH is below 6, neutralization equipment must be used. According to Iran’s Environmental Protection Organization standards, wastewater with a pH of 6 to 8 is permissible for discharge.

Acid Vapor Neutralization Tower

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In various acid treatment processes such as gold and silver refining, orange and red vapors are produced that are acidic and hazardous to human health and objects in the environment. Therefore, disposing of these acidic vapors is a significant challenge for many industries. Some people, unaware of the dangers, vent these vapors outside using a hood, not realizing that these acidic vapors can harm people and objects around the workshop. To safely vent chemical and acidic vapors, you can use a scrubber or acid neutralization tower. The acid vapor neutralization tower collects all fumes produced during acid treatment and neutralizes them through a process

Applications of Acid Neutralization Tower

Scrubbers can neutralize a wide range of acidic vapors and are useful in various workshops. By collecting acidic vapors and using a shower-like water stream, they neutralize vapors from chemical activities, preventing harm to humans and other living beings in the environment. Additionally, gases from these activities can affect metals, causing corrosion. To avoid irreversible damage from these vapors, it is advisable to acquire the necessary equipment promptly. Typically, acid neutralization towers are used to neutralize acids such as nitric acid, sulfuric acid, aqua regia, etc.


A scrubber is essential for industries that work with acids in their production processes. The acid neutralization tower collects and neutralizes acidic vapors, contributing to environmental health and preventing potential damages. This article discussed the function and applications of this product, highlighting the polyethylene model as a versatile option for neutralizing a wide range of acid vapors.


What are the applications of scrubbers?

Scrubbers have the capability to neutralize a wide range of acidic vapors, making them useful in various workshops.

How does the acid neutralization tower work?

The gas or acid vapor scrubber collects all fumes produced during the acid treatment process and purifies and neutralizes them through a specific process.

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