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Cubical Tank

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The sale of cubical tanks by ABtank is carried out across Iran in various sizes and materials. One type of liquid storage tank is the polyethylene cubical tank. As you know, each type and shape of water tank can be used for a specific application, where environmental conditions and the substance being stored dictate the choice of tank. Cubical tanks are designed, manufactured, and sold in both metal and plastic materials. Metal tanks, made of galvanized, stainless steel, and steel, are selected based on the liquid being stored. However, plastic tanks are highly significant due to their high durability against chemicals and lightweight nature.

Production Stages of Cubical Tanks

The production of polyethylene tanks, including cubical tanks, involves several stages:

  1. First, the mold is filled with polymeric materials and granules.
  2. After closing the mold, heating begins to melt the polymeric materials.
  3. Then, the cooling phase starts, and the mold enters the cooling areas for final shaping.
  4. Finally, the mold is opened, and the final piece is removed.

Applications of Cubical Tanks

  • Chemical industries
  • Food industries
  • Agricultural industries
  • Livestock industries
  • Drinking water storage

Characteristics of Cubical Tanks

  • Low heat transfer
  • Easy transportation
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Integrated construction
  • National standard certification
  • High chemical resistance

Polyethylene cubical tanks are produced in various colors. These tanks are used as drinking water tanks, firefighting water tanks, etc. They are particularly useful when there is insufficient space for installing a tank. Cubical tanks can be designed and manufactured to easily pass through narrow and confined spaces and be installed. Due to their special design, they are more expensive compared to horizontal and vertical tanks. Therefore, when there are issues with space and installation dimensions, these tanks are preferred.

Like other tank shapes, these tanks are available in single-layer to triple-layer forms. When used in open environments and exposed to sunlight, triple-layer types should be used.

Considerations for Purchasing a Cubical Tank

  1. The required tank volume should be assessed based on the available space.
  2. The tank dimensions must match the dimensions of the installation location. Essentially, the occupied space should be considered.
  3. Due to their cubical shape, ensure easy passage through hallways and transportation to the desired location.
  4. When space is limited, multiple tanks can be connected in parallel and series.

One type of cubical tank is the modular cubical tank. Modular cubical tanks can be easily disassembled, relocated, and their volume can be increased if necessary. They have suitable physical and chemical resistance. They are ideal for hard-to-reach areas and can be assembled on-site. They can be implemented in all geographic locations.


Is it possible to repair and restore cubical tanks?

Yes, the repair of these tanks depends on the location and extent of the damage.

Do hot and cold weather affect these tanks?

If essential installation and maintenance guidelines are followed, the tanks and the liquid inside them will not be affected.

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